Rescue & Recovery

Through our programs in Cambodia, The Somaly Mam Foundation works to rescue victims and provide them with food, shelter, medical and psychological care. These programs have provided comprehensive services to thousands of sex trafficking victims in Cambodia since their inception.
The first step in saving a life begins with a rescue mission conducted by our legal and investigations department in Cambodia. The investigations team visits sex establishments, undercover and gathers information about the status and nature of the young women and girls present. Once victims have been identified, the team prepares an investigative report and submits the report to legal workers who engage the police and appropriate legal agencies, setting the legal process in motion.
The victim is then taken to one of three recovery centers across Cambodia. In addition to safety and protection, the Recovery centers offer a medical/psychological assessment, evaluation of educational/social development, child care, and legal assistance.
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“ Sexual slavery is a catastrophic crime that claims victims that are as young as 5 and doesn't discriminate according to gender. Seeing these victims moved me to tears and led me to dedicate myself to fighting this horrible crime. While I have lent my voice and countless resources to the cause, it's imperative that we receive some vital support from others who agree that this must come to an end. Please consider contributing to Somaly's foundation and know that every donation makes a vital difference ”
– Daryl Hannah