Modern-Day Slavery

Human trafficking is perpetrated in every country, rich or poor, and is the second largest, fastest growing organized crime in the world. Free the Slaves estimates that there are currently 27 million people toiling as modern day slaves around the globe.
Individuals are promised jobs in another country, and when they arrive find that they must labor endless hours for no pay. Schoolgirls are coerced into sexual slavery by pimps posing as caring boyfriends. Women and children are sold to brothels, and threatened with violence or death if they try to escape.
This is 21st century slavery.
The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) is working around the world to end these atrocities through direct services for victims, advocacy, and outreach.
SMF knows that this global crisis necessitates a global response. In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake, for example, we made a grant to The Restavek Foundation, which works to end the all too common practice of child slavery in Haiti. In Australia, we work with a group called Project Futures to raise awareness of modern day slavery in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. These sorts of partnerships are essential to ending the trafficking of human beings, and form an important element of SMF’s approach.
Somaly Mam travels widely to share her personal story of sexual slavery, and to raise awareness of human trafficking, while our Voices for Change survivors act as ambassadors for the cause to law enforcement, governments, and the general public.