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Home ›› Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA announces human trafficking Mayterm program
Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA announces human trafficking Mayterm program
May 12, 2009
This spring, Westmont College in Santa Barbara announced plans to offer a Human Trafficking Mayterm Program for Spring 2010, with a focus on studying human trafficking in Cambodia and Thailand. The five-week program will include an intensive weeklong preparatory stint in San Francisco, before participants travel to Cambodia and Thailand for a four-week service learning seminar. The program’s organizer, Brad Berky of the San Francisco Urban Program, will teach courses addressing human trafficking as a global issue. Students will take a Faith, Justice and Globalization course, meeting with community leaders and social service agencies to discuss efforts at eradicating human trafficking. Students will also take a course on Southeast Asian History, Culture and Religious Experiences. For more information:Westmont College Off-Campus Programs Office, 805-565-6009 Brad Berky, bberky@pacbell.net http://www.thesoldproject.org
Thanks for posting this info. It is because of this post that I was accepted into Westmont’s mayterm program and now have the opportunity to go. You all rock!
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