Somaly Mam Foundation on Tyra Banks Show
November 16, 2007
On November 30th, 2007, the Tyra Banks Show will feature the Somaly Mam Foundation. Guests include Somaly Mam Foundation supporter, Susan Sarandon; Somaly Mam Foundation co-founders, Nicholas Lumpp and Jared Greenberg; and Somaly Mam.
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This is beautiful. I am from New Zealand and I have found a true true passion in wanting to participate in saving these beautiful women. It’s about time feminists all over the globe have acknowledged this problem and are raising the awareness!
Comment by Jane — November 26, 2007 @ 2:33 am
My heart aches..however….I can still breathe knowing that we have or can make choices….making a choice to be brave in times of doubt…choices to serve humanity…I am very inspired by this cause….its an effective force that is making a difference…thank you
Comment by Amanda singh — November 30, 2007 @ 11:38 am
I have to agree with Jane. This is a life changing experience for me. I am cambodian myself , but I was raised in the states. Now I understand why my dad alway says, “You are so lucky to be born here.” I feel like sometimes I take things for granted, but when I see thses girls, they have it more worse than I do. Its just so touching to me. I would love to volunteer and raise money for the Somaly foundation. They are all such pretty and beautiful young ladies. Its time for a change!
Comment by Dara — November 30, 2007 @ 11:47 am
I believe if every Woman who saw this incredible show will donate $20 think what a start that could be…I dont have a credit card so tell those like me how to send donations…Thank You $20 times 100,000 women is a great start..Think about HOW MANY Women and Men want to help..
Comment by Connie — November 30, 2007 @ 12:07 pm
I just finished watching the Tyra Banks show and part of a documentery was shown with a girl describing the conditions she was forced into in Austin, TX. Before this show aired I had been finding out more and more about the sex slave industry in movies such as Trade and books like “The New Slavery”. I realized that this was a problem everywhere including the United States. I live in Austin, the same place the girl mentioned in the video and I understood that it could happen here, but when she said the name of my city in that video it was a wake up call that I should be very eager to find a way to get involved locally using my time since I do not have much by the way of money and I am wondering how.
Comment by Yahel — November 30, 2007 @ 1:07 pm
this is just so sad, i was crying (bawling) thru the entire show on Tyra Banks… and yet there is hope — the incredible Somaly Mam & the 2 GUYS that created this org (apologies for not remembering their names off the top of my head) plus the message is getting out—my hubby always poked fun at me for watching Tyra ever since the fat suit thing, but i just love her for making me aware of this org: bracelets for all my friends for Christmas!!! i can only donate $10 bucks a month, but maybe it’ll help.
Comment by denisedenise — November 30, 2007 @ 1:22 pm
I was very moved by Somaly’s story on the Tyra show. I pray you all keep safe and protected while you are doing so much for these girls. I will do what I can to make sure this story is heard by every person who will listen to me.
Comment by Keri — November 30, 2007 @ 1:54 pm
I am from the United States and I watched the Tyra Banks show that featured the Somaly Mam Foundation. It inspired me so much and I am willing to make a donation to help the efforts in releasing these young girls from the hell that, I can only imagine, they’re going through.
Comment by Megan — November 30, 2007 @ 2:44 pm
This was a very inspiring eppisode & im considering buying braclets for everyone for christmas this year.
You girls are all very brave beautiful people.
& i would like to thank the tyra show & everyone who has helped these girls & who will continue to help them.
Comment by Trixie — November 30, 2007 @ 3:15 pm
It was by chance that I saw the Tyra Show and heard the story of Somali Mam. I found myself touched to the soul by this story and this wonderful woman. Also, I agree with what Jane from New Zealand has wrote; “IT IS ABOUT TIME”.
Comment by Deborah — November 30, 2007 @ 3:28 pm
I watched Tyra’s show today and I had no idea about this foundation and organization. I’m a young Cambodian-American woman, and i was so touched by Somaly Mam’s story and her efforts to stop sex-trafficking in Cambodia. She’s my newest hero.
Comment by Jinny — November 30, 2007 @ 4:39 pm
This was an eyeopener for me. I would like to get involved and give some time but don’t know how to do so. I looked on the website and it only says how to contribute money.
Comment by Roohinee Hmmens — November 30, 2007 @ 7:17 pm
i just watch the tyra show i wish that i could help.
Comment by Carolina Garcia — November 30, 2007 @ 8:03 pm
I watched the episode about sex slavery on the Tyra show and I thought it was great. I also want to commend Somaly for going on the show and sharing her story! I know that it helps so many people who might be in the same situation or who might know nothing about the topic. Either way her appearance on the show brings awareness to world so more people can help!
Comment by Mimi — December 2, 2007 @ 1:50 pm
I never knew about this situation until I saw it on the Tyra Banks Show and would really like to get involved and help. I know that just donating money and praying can help but I’d like to do so much more. Hopefully one day I can actually go to these places and be of more assistance. But in the mean time, may God bless all those who are involved in this organization and may it continue to save more girls. And thanks Tyra for letting us know about this situation that’s happening even in the USA.
Comment by kathleen — December 2, 2007 @ 3:12 pm
Somaly, I was deeply moved watching you on Larry King Live,I just couldn’t stop my tears.I just want you to know that I am very proud of you,and that daily I will pray for you,I have a little girl who I dearly love,it really hurts me deeply that due to such terrible selfishless people could ever think of hurting a little women and take away something that is precious to a women and girl.thanks LARRY for having Somaly on your show
Comment by lolouiseuise — December 2, 2007 @ 10:37 pm
I am so glad that Somaly was on the Tyra show. Its a great way to let all of us young women/college students learn about a very worthwhile cause and get involved! Somaly is so beautiful and amazing on the inside and out and she is an inspiration to so many. I am telling everyone I can about this issue to help gain awareness. I have purchased a bracelet and am giving a monthly donation and I urge everyone to do the same! I am a student without very much money but every little bit helps!
Comment by tiffany — December 2, 2007 @ 11:57 pm
After watching the show I feel very passionate about getting involved in raising awareness about this subject. So I want to say thank you so much for the opportunity to learn more about this! It really did touch my heart and hit home.
Comment by Nicole — December 3, 2007 @ 11:45 am
I watched the Tyra Show and was touched and amazed by your courage, strength and the difference you’re making in so many lives of young girls all over the world. thanks for all that you do… keep up the amazing work!
Comment by jordana — December 4, 2007 @ 10:10 am
I watched the Tyra show and I was inspired. I never knew how horrible and evil these men could be to young women and children. This is purely the devil. I am so thankful there are people in this world who are trying to do right, and help these ladies. I donated to the foundation and will be looking forward to recieving one of those precious bracelets. Way to go Somaly! You are a wonderful person.
Comment by Daesha — December 4, 2007 @ 11:00 am
I had no idea that girls like me were being tricked in to having these horrible experiences! I feel that it is a responsibility for everyone that knows about this to share it with everyone they know. I’m glad that people like Somaly are so strong and use what they went through as fuel to make them stronger and help as many as they can.
Comment by Eloisa Madrigal — December 7, 2007 @ 1:16 pm
This touched me so much when I saw it on tyra Banks it was the only time i had heard of it. I bought i bracelete and I cannot wait to recive it, I wish I could help more, but $25 is one step closer.
Comment by Shellie — December 7, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
This is such a great cause….I studied HIV/AIDS for a year my freshman year of college. In this class we discusses human sex slaves and the industry in India. This is a prevalent issue also here in the US. People don’t understand that this is not healthy and continue to do these horrific actions. I am truly please and grateful to be able to help save these women as well. Being on the Tyra Banks so was a great idea and a serious, educational, and wonderful episode. I actually recorded it for future reference
I’m still in college and I’m going to try getting other college students involved. I plan to be a social worker and what better way to get experience than this.
Comment by Alicia — December 7, 2007 @ 3:54 pm
we saw your work on tyra banks you are doing a wonderful work,you have to get those little girls from the brothels.i will send money for the cause we believe very much in you.God bless you are in our prayers,KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK SOMALY
Comment by gino bellucci — December 8, 2007 @ 4:09 pm
Im so happy to think that there are people who actually are trying to make the difference and reach out to help these women. I– being A WOMAN CANT IMAJINE WHAT IT DOES TO YOUR HEART AND SOUL…When I watched this show on Tyra banksI cried for these women. It makes what ive been through in my life look easy -My prayers and heart go out to all these women who have endured anthis horrible ordeal!!!
Comment by debbie — December 8, 2007 @ 10:03 pm
I just saw this two days ago (Dec. 7) and I was excited. The weekend before, my school did a high school conference and one of the topics we talked about was Sex Trafficking in SE Asia, specifically Cambodia. I spoke to some of the members in our Cambodian club on campus and would love to help in any way possible. We are students at UCSD, CA.
Comment by Linda Sok — December 9, 2007 @ 8:15 pm
i know things like this happen to people all over the world.. but its so hard to see my own people going through something like this. I am Cambodian myself but was born here in the state. It breaks my heart to see or hear about anything what other people are going through. I am greatful for what Somaly has accomplished.
Comment by Pinary — December 18, 2007 @ 12:30 am
I am From Melbourne, Australia and I have not seen the Tyra Banks show, but i did buy your book “The road of lost innocence”. I just finished it and wanted to donate to your cause. What a truely horrific yet inspirational story you had to tell. I wish you and AFESIP much more success in combatting trafficking in women and children. You are a true heroine.
Comment by Brooke — February 9, 2008 @ 11:05 pm