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Microfinancing Program for Survivors Announced at Clinton Global Initiative

Sep 25, 2009

The Somaly Mam Foundation submitted a Commitment to Action to the Clinton Global Initiative which has been accepted. The action will put into place a micro-financing program that will support the reintegration of survivors through microenterprise development.

The program will identify and supply micro-financing to viable microenterprises proposed by pairs of people comprised of one survivor and one person who has not been trafficked. This approach provides a viable means of sustainable livelihood and decreases the social stigma that impairs business ventures by survivors alone.

We are working with the Population and Community Development Association (PDA), a Thai NGO that pioneered this program with great success. They will help train and guide us through the initial stages of the program, which we will launch in Cambodia, Laos, and potentially Vietnam. This project will launch in January of 2010.

At the CGI summit, President Clinton called Somaly on stage to highlight this project and recognize her work. Somaly met Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, and Julie Ormond at the event.


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