Favorite Food: likes to eat a LOT! Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese
Favorite Music: Hip-hop
Favorite Activity: eating, listening to music, reading
Favorite Subject: all subjects, because she likes to learn new things
As the leader of the Voices for Change team, Sina knows that she has to study first! It is a wonder she makes time for homework, though, as she is constantly busy with field visits to AFESIP's reintegrated victims in the provinces, communication with other NGOs, and visits to brothels in Cambodia. She also enjoys the Voices for Change social activities and was excited by her recent visits to the National Museum and Royal Palace in Phnom Penh. She feels that Voices for Change is important because it lets the world know about the victims through the voices of the survivors.Sina wishes to spread awareness that nobody wants to be victimized. She notes, "When a sex worker goes out with a client, they may seem happy on the surface, but if you look in their eyes you will see the sadness beneath. They do not want this for themselves, but they also need the money." Sina highlights the fact that Voices for Change represents trafficked individuals around the world, not just those in Cambodia. She wants the world to support survivors everywhere so that they can start their new life. Sina hopes that in the future, no victims will remain.