
Holly now available on DVD – Proceeds to benefit Somaly Mam Foundation

March 25, 2009

The film “Holly,” about one person’s struggle against human trafficking, is now available on DVD:

Holly“Shot on location in Cambodia, including many scenes in actual brothels in the notorious red light district of Phnom Penh, HOLLY is a captivating, touching and emotional experience. Patrick (Ron Livingston), an American card shark and dealer of stolen artifacts, has been ‘comfortably numb’ in Cambodia for years, when he encounters Holly (Thuy Nguyen), a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, in the K11 red light village. The girl has been sold by her impoverished family and smuggled across the border to work as a prostitute. Holly’s virginity makes her a lucrative prize, and when she is sold to a child trafficker, Patrick embarks on a frantic search through both the beautiful and sordid faces of the country, in an attempt to bring her to safety. Harsh, yet poetic, this feature forms part of the ‘K-11′ Project, dedicated to raising awareness of the epidemic of child trafficking and the sex slavery trade through several film projects. The film’s producers endured substantial hardships in order to be able to shoot in Cambodia and have also founded the RedLight Children Campaign, which is a worldwide grassroots initiative generating conscious concern and inspiring immediate action against child sexploitation.”

Holly has received several positive reviews, including 4.5 stars on Amazon, and 7.0 on IMDB. You can purchase Holly on DVD through paypal, by following this link. 15% of all proceeds from purchases will go directly to the Somaly Mam Foundation, so pick up your copy now! If you’d like to share the purchase with friends and family, here is the URL:

Update: You can now buy Holly through our store: /store/

Filed under: News — greg @ 11:37 am

Beauty Products, Designer Handbags, Sylists, and more on Ebay to raise money for the Somaly Mam Foundation

March 16, 2009

To raise money and commemorate International Women’s day, the Somaly Mam Foundation has opened up an Ebay store filled with luxury beauty products, designer handbags, and even a personal session with celebrity stylist David Evanglista. All items are up for sale for less than 6 days, so hurry up and check them out. You can peruse the store here:

Here’s what we’ve got for sale:

Not only are these items fashionable, but they’re also deeply discounted, so pick them up before they get snatched up!

Filed under: News — greg @ 6:31 pm